Redesign and upgrade of Seascape webpage.


Seascape d.o.o.


UI Design  

*  In July 2018 Seascape became part of the Beneteau Group, which changed the role of thinkseascape website. Therefore this version of website is no longer active. / Web design


Building its brand mostly on CONTENT, Seascape was facing a challenge how to organize it in a CLEAR and ENGAGING web presentation.


  • The page had to feature a lot of content: presentation of their boats, knowledge base, news, calendars … but at the same time convey sense of SIMPLICITY which is essential part of their brand promisse.
  • It had to have clear GATEWAYS for various profiles of visitors: FANS, LEADS and OWNERS of their boats.
  • Apart of static content presentation, page had to provide a platform for LIVE COVERAGE of Seascape’s sailing events.
  • It had to establish visual language of the Seascape BRAND – colours, fonts, style of photography. / mobile

The Design Process

I like tackling problems with iterative design thinking approach.
I’m explaining more about it here.

Design process / Concept phase


Seascape team prepaired a brief for me with guidelines and main objectives.

Sketch from a team workshop.

Workshop sketch / Web design

In my designs I had to:

  • consider all content upgrades
  • create simple, clear and understandable mega menu for easier orientation
  • integrate signature events pages and make the current event interchangeable
  • include video content with full with current video and visible teaser for the next one.

Seascape Webpage Wireframes

Design process / Design phase


Based on their feedback and a few more wireframe iterations I designed final screens. 

I was aiming for a clean, modern look that is in sync with the company’s brand visual language.

Mega Menu /
Boats /
Dashboard /
Signature Events /
Video /
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