Digital Environment for SSC D2
Understanding opportunities of digital environment in dinghy sailing.
* SSC D2 = Seascape D category boat for 2 persons
* Dinghy = small non balasted sail boat
Seascape d.o.o.
User Research | Product Research | Workshop facilitation

Problems and opportunities
- Boat industry is predictably slow in adopting modern digital technologies and environment.
> the electronic built in the boat is based on the 1990’s technology, while most users use smartphones with navigation apps - The active middle class are using their free time radically different to how this was done 20-30 years ago.
> more workload
> higher engagement of fathers in raising the children and other activities
> the amount of free time to participate in any sailing activity without involving the family decreased radically - Owners want to have more fun in their free time, but have less time to master the more demanding sport machines that promise it.
- Better understanding of how the owners use their boats with data we gather through offered services.
- Understanding user digital literacy – their use of mobile phone, apps …
- Finding out which of the possible digital services would have the highest possible impact in the shortest time and for the smallest investment.
- Proper roadmap planning for developing digital services.
- Differentiation towards competition and reinforcement of brand promise.
I like tackling problems with an iterative design approach.
I’m explaining more about it here.
I started with desk research by looking into different concepts of other sport platforms or apps and continued by looking into different user needs and motivations.
Comparative research
Through a simple online survey I found 13 dighy and small boat sailors, from 10 different countries to conduct 30-60 min long user interviews with. I wanted to find out more about them, their sailing experiences, their stories, how digitaly literate they are and what is their vision for the future of sailing.
It turned out that they are mostly motivated by competing, learning and improving and being a part of a comunity.

Based on all insights we had a brainstorming workshop with Seascape team, where we generated loads of ideas on how to combine data based digital solutions with sailing and Seascape company. To get more ideas we tackled it from three different point of views: from the company point of view, from the user point of view and ideas based on trends.
To define the relative importance of these ideas and make an objective selection, we put all the ideas in the User Significance / Feasibility Matrix.
Prioritization Matrix
Based on that, we were able to make an overview of the project’s goals presented on a timeline. This will help the company set and clarify priorities and strategically plan this defined goals.